Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service.

Monday was quite a day! Andy Cunningham, cutie pie of the century, came into runshaw in the afternoon to hold a UAF meeting for those who accepted on facebook- not all showed up ¬¬ but it was certainly an eye opener.
After that I took tens of pictures of Marcus' face until he was fighting me away. I have one of them as my wallpaper as I type. It's a nice one :). Marcus went home and I went to the park whilst waiting for the bus. Because it was a nice day I had the chance to sit wherever I wanted, and I did. Next to the pond I sat and I felt like I was part of the wildlife. Lots of ducks were around and I found out how funny the noise of them jumping into the water is. A mummy moorhen was swimming around looking for her baby moorhens in the reeds. I could hear them calling for her with a tiny, tiny little squeak. She was could back with a just as tiny squeak, and they found each other eventually. It was a heartbreakingly sweet reunion :'). I sat with them for around 40 minutes.
When I was walking for the bus, I walked really close to some bunnies, some where obviously still babies, but as I got closer then hopped away. When I was on the bus I felt like snow white.

The saturday before that was Nicola Young's leaving party (not birthday, like Marcus though ¬¬). Uncle Andy, YET AGAIN on top form. I spend alot of time with him and Angus that night. They are a real hoot. We played a monster game of ring of fire which ended at around 5:15 sunday morning. It was an absolute killer game and I haven't laughed as much as I did that night in a very long time. A good way to see Nicola Young off for four months (dying inside over this!!).

This week has been terribly upsetting. Fucked up my FMP- thanks for letting me know I was doing that when you checked my work every week, Michelle...It's good to know you give a fuck. I received only a merit for it. Disappointed in myself. I'll be walking away from college with a DDM, but also an unconditional offer so my two years at Runshaw can FUCK.OFF completely. So, so glad to be leaving. Michelle has really, really fucked me over with that. She said my work has meaning and is much more to her taste, rather than the other students who are doing fashion for the glamour and pretty, pretty little models. Whereas mine was much more to her 'taste' and a bit dirty, but she didn't let me know that I hadn't gone into enough depth in certain areas, and bothered to tell me in a busy corridor. Clearly she wasn't paying much attention in our weekly planning sessions which are one-to-one. I feel like I have been shit on.
A better way to think of it is like I was receiving AAB at a-levels. Okay I guess... [ :( ]
An even BETTER way to think of it is that I don't have to feel bad for much longer because I have one day left and I'm FREE :'). Friday, I'm getting bloody pissed in lesson.

Ohhhhh :D.


Heath Linn said...

I sat in the same place on the park as you on Tuesday. Just thought I'd let you know.

Heath Linn said...

...and yes, I read people's blogs who I don't follow. King.

Martha Buttercup said...

I still don't know what to say about this....