Thursday, April 30, 2009

The other day, Marcus and I discovered we could be related.

But we aren't, actually.

On Tuesday, Marcus and I went to The Cornerhouse to try to do The Reel Deal again, which is a really good deal! I was going to have a glass of wine instead of a pint and everything!! The ovens were broken so they had to stop letting people do it. We went to Popalino's instead :) And bought Jaques Cider. 'If it means owt now...'
We went to see Encounters At The End of the World by Werner Herzog which was great! It was funny in some parts but really interesting at most, with quite a frightening introduction into McMurdo. He also made fun of a linguist who lived there because he spoke too much. He did make an intresting point about people caring more about rehoming animals than a dying language. There was an incredibly upsetting part whilst he was following the penguins, where they had filmed the exact moment in a penguins life where it decided to turn away from it's flock and walk towards the mountains alone. They found another of these penguins but were advised to not disrupt the penguins track. Marcus said he would keep it forever. The whole scene was just white mountains and snowy ground- there was nothing and this Penguin would have been alone for thousands of miles, without food or protection from it's flock. It was heading for certain death :'(. Otherwise- a very interesting documentary.
After that, we went to the red 'mosher' pub and were surrounded by men with hair longer than mine and women in fishnets and foot high platforms.
We also went to Manchester's revolution. I have to say- Preston's is better :)

The next morning I had a blood test, and this time it really, really hurt! It never usually hurts, and I have a visable bruise on my arm now :\ Maybe there have been too many holes pushed into my am recently for the vein to keep up!
That night, Steph's 21st birthday happened! I met a very nice young lady called Kym and another girl who I can't remember's name, but who danced with us in Lava. The boys were wankers. Nicola and I opened our Lemon Cider (oh baby) and it spilt everywhere. The punch was delicious and in the cocktail factory, we were served quite quickly by a very small man with a huge mustache. My cocktail was called Tinerbell's Tutu and it had hundreds and thousands sprinkles around the edge. It was DELICIOUS. We went to Reflex after that and a man was pole dancing like a dream! Cheeky Vimto tasted like horrible wine and a disguuuusting man with bulging eyes was body rolling over to Helen who was oblivious until he was quite close. I almost wee'd on the dancefloor. I think he saw us laughing at him because he stood awkwardly for a while and then left. He must have been pushing 50 and looked like a frightening Egyptian from The Mummy. Gross. We went to Lava after that and we got in slowly, but when Helen and I wanted to nip out, Stewart and Dominic gave us special treatment and were all winky :). The bouncers were charming everywhere that night.
A boy told me he had seen my dress on another girl that night and I was like 'THANKS :|' and he said ''re about a foot and a half taller than her' fuck oooooofffffffff. Lava was funny- no sign of Gamble though :( There was some kind of transvestite on stage trying to get everyone to do a special dance. I think absolutely NOBODY responded except to saw 'who the fuckk???'. We left when he was on. It was home time and I was sick to death of wondering whether anyone could see my nipples.
Never wearing that dress ever again.

Tonight, Marcus and I are going to the beer festival and we're probably also going to end up at Reflex again listening to Oh, What a Night. :) I can't wait.

Look what we had done the other day in the train station...
I love it when Marcus styles my hair and I sit on his knee :).

My Grandad is out of hospital and feelin' fiiiiiine! Which means more nana visits and more cups of the best tea ever :) I love!

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