Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Strong Hands.

Another day, another embarrassing story.
Today's edition involves the post office and my American Apparel package.

Because nobody can do a job properly around here, I took it upon myself to go get the package that has been sitting all lonesome in the depot since forever.
I thought 'I was on Christian road, and there was even a post office there, so why wouldn't I be in the right place?!' So I enter the Post Office and ask where I can pick up my package all I got in reply was 'You want to be on Christian Road, love.' DO I?!
I was in totally the wrong place making a tit out of myself in front of about 15 people. Nice oooone.

I walk towards some kind of a warehouse and am ignored by everyone there until a very large, balding work man came, took my card and gave me the package that had caused so much turmoil in my recent days.

I like it, I like it alot.
Thanks to American Apparel, Man in Depot and Man in Post office.


1 comment:

Kathy said...

Oh Kathryn. I'm too scared to get things delivered in the first place. Mainly because I wouldn't know where to go and what to say. If it was delivered to my house I would have to sign for it, but I don't have a signature at all haha...so I'd just panic. I also hate answering the door, or opening any door in fact. I just avoid things like this ever happening by not buying things online. It's a shame sometimes. I'm such a neurotic :(