Sunday, January 04, 2009

Flo in Costa

Last night was the return of Steph and therefore our night out. It was nice because the Lushies are good-time-girls and nothing less.

We went to Stephs and waited for drug dealers to knock on the door and ask us 'how much?'. We did tequila shots and played the Bruce game. 'G'day Bruce' 'g'day Bruce' 'say hellow to bruce, bruce' etc. After everyone had been to the 'living area' which is down a flight of stairs to UNDER THE HOUSE, we headed off to wherever we found first. The Wellington. We were walking through, y'know just finding someone to sit, a man pulled me out of our line and wouldn't stop talking to me with what I can only describe as a language he had made up himself. I subsequently agreed to meet ALL of his friends :|.
We got a beverage or two, left and headed to Revolution where we found Clithy doing his 25th shot. He bought us a tray and we had a little dance. Our plan was to go to Lava before it got to a £10 entry charge, so we left pretty quickly after making a man dance for us.
The bouncer at lava had police men stood just a few feet away so he had 'come on girls, ID...let's have a laugh' and he suggested MINE wasn't actually me! It absolutely was, sunshine. I told him he was gay for not being open on my birthday and we got in. It was horrible. I wasn't ready for the 'normal etiquette' being bum-grabbing. I thought that kind of physical attention was just for a selected few, I hated it. We danced FOR AGES, waiting for the big room to open. I met a crazy lady in the toilet who said I should 'freshen ya poonani'. She was one of the ladies who charges you pound after pound for perfume you have at home.
Steph wasn't in a good way, and had to go home early :(. You wouldn't believe how many men saw 'an easy target'. She could hardly stand herself up by the end and she got about 5 different, balding men trying to grab her by the hips and hold her. It was horrible and I had to push myself between them every time it happened. Sickening. So after she had got into a Taxi it just left Nicola, HellyP, Lauren, I and the DJ who gave us a bottle of champagne. WHAAAAAAT?!
The big room opened up and we went to see Laura behind the bar, she looked like she was having a nice time :) We had another dance and took loads of pictures but Clithy was texting saying he was going to buy us more shots (which is better than the £3.80 in fucking lava) so after ages there, we left and went to Browns where it's unusual to be white. We spent the rest of the night there pretty much. We got into bed at around 6am at Nicola's house.
It was a really lovely night. I'm never doing tequila shots again.
This pose is the reason for the NO-MORE-TEQUILA in my life.

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